Shine Waradhammo's support for LGBT+ rights is a rare and welcome move as Thailand prepares to pass a civil partnership bill
Poland: Bishops Propose Sending LGBTQ+ People to Conversion 'Clinics'
New handbook on sexual and gender minority mental health
UNAIDS calls for urgent action to strengthen social protection programmes in the face of COVID-19
Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity during COVID
In the present report, the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Victor Madrigal- Borloz, discusses the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) and gender-diverse persons, communities and/or populations.
Australia: Review of the Expungement of Historical Offences Act 2017
Poland: The bishops discuss "Ethical" vaccines, religion in schools, "sexual abuse of minors"
Religion at school, attitudes towards LGBT people, cases of pedophilia in the Polish Church, the COVID-19 crisis, firm opposition to domestic violence - these were some of the topics discussed at the 386th Plenary Meeting of the Polish Episcopal Conference. After the meeting, the bishops issued an announcement.
Ecuador: Know seven important points of the Organic Health Code
Uganda officials ignore criminal summonses for LGBTQ torture
Lessons learned from the HIV response – UNAIDS warns of dangers of failing to respect human rights in the response of COVID-19
During the early response to COVID-19 UNAIDS received numerous reports of interruptions to HIV services and disturbing human violations against vulnerable and marginalized populations. The experience of the response to HIV has proved that violations of human rights during a pandemic undermine trust, harm individuals, and set back public health responses.
Belarus: Fighting for democracy — and LGBTQ rights
In Belarusian (as well as Russian and Ukrainian), pidor means “faggot.” It’s a derogatory word. I know I should use the term “queer” instead — that’s the politically correct word used worldwide. But in homophobic Belarus, except among the most privileged part of the LGBTQ community, “queer” doesn’t mean anything.