A day after Northern Territory legalises sex work, Victoria announces first large-scale review of sex industry in more than 35 years
India: Ten years on, India's biometric ID excludes homeless, transgender people
US: Under Trump, LGBTQ Progress Is Being Reversed in Plain Sight
India: Why India’s transgender people are protesting against a Bill that claims to protect their rights
Australia: NT decriminalises sex work as Attorney-General Natasha Fyles pushes through change
Indonesia: Ministries ban pregnant, LGBT job seekers: Ombudsman
Uganda bans thousands of charities in 'chilling' crackdown
Australia: Research shows religious debates taking heavy toll
Vatican: Pope compares politicians who rage against gays to Hitler
Jamaica: Discriminatory Anti-Sodomy Law Fuels HIV in Jamaica
In testimony before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), AIDS-Free World’s Sarah Bosha delivered a forceful denunciation of the anti-sodomy provisions in Jamaica’s Offenses Against the Persons Act, arguing that the Colonial-era law is instrumental in the spread of the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean region and violates the American Convention on Human Rights, which Jamaica ratified in 1978.