"Hinduism is a plural religious tradition so one should not be surprised to find different views in it on such matters,"
US: ‘Shame List’ Identifies 2017’s ‘Absolute Worst’ Schools for LGBTQ Students
Nearly 140 colleges across the country have been identified as the “absolute worst campuses” for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students by Campus Pride, a national organization that advocates for LGBTQ inclusivity and safety at U.S. colleges and universities.
Israel: Ultra-Orthodox Israeli MP quits amid gay wedding criticism
US: Cake Is His ‘Art.’ So Can He Deny One to a Gay Couple?
Jack Phillips bakes beautiful cakes, and it is not a stretch to call him an artist. Five years ago, in a decision that has led to a Supreme Court showdown, he refused to use his skills to make a wedding cake to celebrate a same-sex marriage, saying it would violate his Christian faith and hijack his right to express himself.