The US Department of Justice has failed to uphold LGBT rights as it made a decision to allow employers to fire employees on the basis of their sexuality.
“This is a victory for transgender students everywhere and sends a clear warning to school districts with anti-transgender bathroom policies,” said Lambda Legal Staff Attorney Omar Gonzalez-Pagan.
“Anyone who cares about equal rights, equal protection, a good environment, the rule of law, needs to care about who is sitting on these lower courts,” says Goldberg, whose organization is a national association of progressive groups supporting a fair and independent judiciary.
“If this disastrous outcome is one of the ways this turns out, and we have no evidence these surgeries are necessary, then I think there’s no justification for continuing to impose them when people can’t choose.”
A federal judge on Friday ordered Kentucky to pay more than $224,000 in legal fees and costs because one of its county clerks had refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
A nine-judge bench, led by Chief Justice of India J S Khehar, observed that sexual orientation was a matter of privacy and if the court were to hold privacy as a fundamental right, then the 2013 judgment against homosexuality would be susceptible to a fresh legal challenge.
A nine-judge Constitution bench, headed by Chief Justice JS Khehar, also asked the Centre and others to assist it about the “contours” and ambit of test on which the width and scope of right to privacy and its infringement, if any, by the State would be tested.