The recent ruling in Zhumadian "confirmed the illegality of forced treatments," Peng told the AP. "It's time for China to enact laws to prohibit forced gay conversion therapy."
Australia: Man who yelled abuse, punched another man in Sydney nightclub is fined $10,000
Turkey: For Abused, Gay Iraqi in Turkey, U.S. Refugee Freeze Is Cruelest Hit
US: Texas Supreme Court questions right of benefits for gay spouses
US: Google, Microsoft among companies urging court to back gay workers
US: Can Businesses Turn LGBT People Away Because of Who They Are? That’s Up to the Supreme Court Now.
US: Supreme Court sides with same-sex couples in Arkansas suit
US: A Majority of Mississippi Residents Oppose Religiously Based Service Refusals of Gays and Lesbians
Mississippi businesses and state employees are now able to deny services to same-sex couples by citing religious beliefs, after a federal appeals court in Mississippi lifted an injunction Thursday.
Russia: Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Laws Are Illegal, European Court Rules
Russia’s prohibition of what it considers the promotion of homosexuality is discriminatory and violates freedom of expression, Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a strong rejection of laws that rights groups say have been routinely used as cover for abuse and violence.