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Moscow Not Ruling Out Nuclear Missiles Deployment After US Missiles Deployed in Germany

© Sputnik / Russian Ministry of Defense / Go to the mediabankTesting the Burevestnik nuclear cruise missile
Testing the Burevestnik nuclear cruise missile - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.07.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia will choose from the widest possible range of options when developing its response to the deployment of US long-range missiles in Germany, while not ruling out any options, including the deployment of similar nuclear-equipped systems, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters on Thursday.
"I do not rule out any options," Ryabkov said, answering whether the Russian response to the deployment of US missiles in Germany would involve the deployment of similar nuclear-equipped systems.
He noted that due to the fault of both Germany and, first of all, the United States, "standing at the head of the NATO bloc, there was a total destruction of agreements in the field of arms control."
"In this situation, taking into account the totality of countries that are members of NATO, we must calibrate our responses without experiencing any internal constraints, so to speak, in terms of what, where and when is possible, necessary and whether they should be deployed. That is, the widest possible option," the deputy minister said.
"This is not a threat to anyone. This is a way to find the most effective, including cost-effective, algorithm for responding to changing challenges," he added.
A Tactical Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile, conducts a controlled flight test over the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) western test range complex in southern California - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.07.2024
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Addressing the discussions in Washington about the reconversion of B-52 heavy bombers, Ryabkov indicated that Russia is bracing for the possibility of a significant increase in the United States' nuclear capabilities and is devising effective and cost-efficient response strategies.

"We also see from this example that there are no restraints left in the United States in terms of how to handle the potential in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. We must prepare for all sorts of scenarios, including undesirable scenarios in terms of a possible significant buildup of nuclear potential by the Americans," Ryabkov told reporters.

"We are ready for this, because the whole logic of Washington’s behavior in this area leads to the fact that they will follow exactly this path. But so far there are no solutions, until the final formula for what will happen to these bombers in the future has been worked out, we have time to calculate different options and provide the most effective and least costly ways to respond," the deputy minister added.
A U.S. B-52 Stratofortress bomber flies over East Hagatna in Guam on Monday afternoon, March 10, 2003.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.06.2024
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At the same time, Ryabkov emphasized that Moscow firmly believes there is no inevitable escalation in the ongoing security tensions between the West and Russia.
"Nothing is predetermined. In particular, there is no predestination for further escalation. So far, unfortunately, the West, under far-fetched pretexts in search of reasons to attribute this to us again, from the point of view of attacks on security, is following exactly this path," Ryabkov told reporters.
This will not stop Russia regarding solving tasks to ensure its security along the entire perimeter of the borders, the diplomat added.
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