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Congress Should Stop 'Wasting Money in Ukraine, Focus on US Needs' - Rep. Gosar to Sputnik

© AP Photo / J. Scott ApplewhiteRep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., waits for a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, on July 22, 2021.
Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., waits for a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, on July 22, 2021.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 22.09.2023
Even though the White House seems eager to continue funding and arming the regime in Kiev at the American taxpayer's expense, a number of Republican lawmakers in the United States insist that the problems currently plaguing the US should be given priority.
US Republican Congressman Paul A. Gosar has exclusively told Sputnik that the United States government should focus on helping their own citizens instead of funneling money to Kiev.
Gosar previously made a name for himself by raising concerns about the likelihood of US funding being used to support the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
Having stated that he previously voted against “every single bill” meant to fund the Ukrainian conflict, Gosar stated that he is also not going to support the “latest $40 billion supplemental request, or any future request, by Biden to perpetuate the needless death and destruction on both sides in this war.”
According to the congressman, the US leadership should instead focus on the dire problems that plague the United States today, such as the migrant crisis at the southern border, rampant inflation and the ever-increasing national debt that has already surpassed the $33 trillion benchmark.
“Anyone in Congress who thinks differently should spend more time away from Washington, DC, because most Americans are fed up with the war and the endless spending. Congress should stop wasting money in Ukraine and focus on America’s needs,” Gosar said.
Earlier this week, Gosar, along with several other Republican lawmakers, penned a letter to the director of the Office of Management and Budget protesting the White House’s apparent intent to indefinitely fund the Ukrainian conflict.
Rep. Gosar also sent a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, inquiring about the prospects of US funding to Kiev being at least partially delivered to neo-Nazi groups, such as the infamous Azov Battalion*.
*Azov Battalion is regarded as a terrorist organization by Russian authorities and is outlawed in Russia.
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