Worth a Thousand Words: Trump's G7 Summit Photo Stokes Social Media

© AP Photo / Jesco DenzelGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, details policy to US President Donald Trump, seated at right, during the G7 Leaders Summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, on Saturday, June 9, 2018
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, details policy to US President Donald Trump, seated at right, during the G7 Leaders Summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, on Saturday, June 9, 2018 - Sputnik International
It appears that US President Donald Trump managed to make headlines at the G7 summit not only with his words and actions, but also with his appearance as well.

A photo of US President Donald Trump locking eyes with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain at the G7 summit quickly went viral, sparking heated discussions on social media and making headlines in mass media as well.

Time magazine attempted to analyze the body language of the people depicted in the photograph, noting that it’s easy to perceive Trump as “weak and defensive”, and that “he looks like he’s getting grilled, taken to task for not acting like his predecessor.”

USA Today also added that “if a picture is worth 1,000 words, Angela Merkel has some thoughts,” noting that the chancellor posted the photo on her Instagram with the following caption: “Day two of the G7 summit in Canada: spontaneous meeting between two working sessions.”

Публикация от Angela Merkel (@bundeskanzlerin) 9 Июн 2018 в 8:53 PDT

The photo was also posted on Twitter by Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, who stated that the US president’s posture sent a message to other G7 countries that the United States will no longer be their bank.

​Some Twitter users did not agree with Bolton’s opinion, criticizing Trump’s policies and the way his administration deals with US allies.

Others, however, insisted that Trump looks like he’s in control of the situation in the photo.

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