G7 Countries to Discuss Possible Work With Russia as Partner – Source

© AFP 2023 / KARL-JOSEF HILDENBRANDThe flags of the G7 countries. File photo
The flags of the G7 countries. File photo - Sputnik International
The Group of Seven (G7) countries will discuss their policy toward Russia during the upcoming summit in Italy, in particular, the possibility of work with Russia on a partnership basis, a high-ranking source in the German delegation told Sputnik on Wednesday.

BERLIN (Sputnik) – The G7 Summit, which is scheduled for May 26-27, will be held in the town of Taormina on the Italian island of Sicily.

“The policy towards Russia and the readiness to work with Russia as a partner if Russia respects the global international order will be discussed,” the source said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko before an expanded meeting to discuss a peace plan for Ukraine, held by the Russian, German, French and Ukrainian leaders - Sputnik International
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The source added that the relations with Russia were regularly discussed during such meetings.

Participants of the summit are also going to discuss the situation in Syria, Libya and North Korea, as well as fighting the Daesh terror group, outlawed in Russia, and other terror organizations.

Relations between Russia and the western countries deteriorated in 2014, when the United States, the European Union and their allies accused Moscow of fueling the Ukrainian crisis and imposed several rounds of sanctions against Russia. Russia has repeatedly refuted Western allegations and warned that imposing sanctions is counterproductive. Russia was excluded from the G8 group in March 2014 over Ukraine, with only the G7 platform now remaining for the world's top few economies to meet on.

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