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Daesh Terrorists Conduct Mass Execution of Up to 200 Prisoners in Syria

© Flickr / Day DonaldsonIslamic state
Islamic state - Sputnik International
Al Qaeda militants, battling another armed faction, were rounded up, detained, and summarily executed by Daesh terrorists operating under the banner of Jund al-Aqsa in Syria.

Both rebel factions, Al Qaeda (Nusra Front) and a group aligned with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), were engaged in deadly skirmishes in the Idlib and Hama provinces, when the fighting suddenly ground to a halt. Jund al-Aqsa fighters swarmed in a large offensive and captured an estimated 150 to 200 fighters. 

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The question of what to do with the prisoners after six days of detainment was solved when Jund al-Aqsa decided to "liquidate" all the prisoners "at the same time," according to Abdul Hakim al-Rahmon, a commander from the FSA-aligned Jaish al-Nasr faction.

Al Qaeda and Daesh are seen as arch-rivals in the quest to be the dominant jihadist group in the region. 

The Jaish al-Nasr commander said that 160 of those killed were affiliated with the FSA, while 43 were from Al Qaeda. A separate war-monitoring service reported that 150 fighters had been slaughtered during the mass execution.

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