EU-US Ties 'Unlikely to Become Easier' in Near Future Due to Trump Team's Stance

© AFP 2023 / Joshua Lott, Odd AnderseThis combination of file photos created on January 16, 2017 shows then Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump (November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L, March 14, 2016 in Berlin).
This combination of file photos created on January 16, 2017 shows then Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump (November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L, March 14, 2016 in Berlin). - Sputnik International
The relations between the European Union and the United States are likely to stay complex in the near future, given the views of the new US administration, Russia's Ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov told Sputnik in an interview.

Gone with the wind... - Sputnik International
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BRUSSELS (Sputnik) – According to the ambassador, criticism toward the European Union was heard from the United States both in the course of US President Donald Trump’s campaign and after the election in recent weeks.

Donald Trump’s reported pick for US Ambassador to the European Union is Ted Malloch, who supports Brexit, has repeatedly put the stable future of the European Union into question and predicted the collapse of the euro in coming years.

"I think relations between the European Union and the United States will not become any easier in the near future, but I will stress that we are not gloating about it," Chizhov said in an interview.

"And it was coming not only from Mr. Trump personally, but also from the newly-appointed Secretary of State and some other members of the new administration, including, according to media reports, from the potential candidate for the post of US Permanent Representative to the European Union. In this regard, leaders of major groups of the European Parliament even found it necessary to write letters to top EU officials with proposal to block his nomination," he added.

Moreover, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Trump several times exchanged criticism over opposing views on migration. Merkel slammed Trump's order blocking all refugees from coming to the United States for 120 days and suspended the entry for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. Meanwhile, Trump criticized her migration policy and his praise for UK’s "smart" decision to "get out" of the European Union.

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